NDC vs. kill -HUP

Jim Reid jim at rfc1035.com
Fri Aug 18 17:57:55 UTC 2000

>>>>> "Jesus" == Jesus Couto <jesus.couto at innosec.es> writes:

    Jesus> A question about ndc using channels...

    Jesus> Looking at the man page, it says:

    Jesus> "If running in channel mode, there is no start command and
    Jesus> the restart command just tells the name server to execvp(2)
    Jesus> itself"

    Jesus> But it doesnt work. Every time I do restart via ndc on a
    Jesus> named process started with some arguments (like, -u, -g,
    Jesus> -t, whatever), it just stop the server, starts a new one
    Jesus> that gets a new PID and doesnt use any of the original
    Jesus> arguments unless I pass them to restart (something that the
    Jesus> ndc man page seems to imply its only useful if ndc is in
    Jesus> "pid mode")

Are you sure you're using the right ndc? In channel mode?

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