got secondry dns set up, how 2 primary?

Kevin Darcy kcd at
Wed Aug 16 23:34:39 UTC 2000

I'm not sure I understand the question. The "Refresh" field in the SOA record
of the zone controls how often slaves check the master for changes. If yours
is set to 15 minutes (900 seconds), then it's understandable why you're
getting queried that often. But an SOA query every 15 minutes is no big deal.
If your slaves are doing a zone transfer every 15 minutes, then that's a cause
for concern. Is the zone changing that frequently? How current do your slaves
need to be? Maybe you could tune your Refresh setting, or, if the zone is
really changing that frequently, maybe you should consider breaking out some
subzones for the more volatile data so that the zone transfers are smaller.

- Kevin

lawsie wrote:

> Hello all!,
> Have just set up some domain names on my web server curators seconding dns
> servers, but, they poll my web server (nt4) every 15 minutes to look at the
> DNS and attatch.  How do I set up domain names on my DNS so that their
> polling with catch them?
> thankyou for the future?!?
> lawsie

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