Diffrent DNS Answer by diffrent IP Source Adress

Jim Reid jim at rfc1035.com
Tue Aug 15 16:44:23 UTC 2000

>>>>> "Roger" == Roger Caspar <roger.caspar at bluewin.ch> writes:

    Roger> Is it possible to set the configuration from Bind 8.2.2
    Roger> that he gives diffrent answers by diffrent Source IP??
    Roger> What kind of configuration i need??

There are two ways to do this. One is split DNS where you have two
name servers providing different versions of the same zone. Typically
one is presented to the outside world and the other is only available
on the internal network. It's possible to configure any name server
for split DNS, though you may need to have separate servers: one for
the outside and one for inside. With BIND8, it's possible to run two
or more name server processes on the same box. Each process can be
configured to use a specific set of network interfaces and zone

The second way to do this is with the views{} mechanism in BIND9.
This allows split DNS to be implemented in one process. One view of
the name space is made available to some set of IP addresses, another
view to another set and so on.

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