Confused about forward zones

Treptow, Craig Treptow.Craig at
Tue Aug 8 20:49:58 UTC 2000

Hi.  I'm getting quite confused on what I believe to be possible, but can't
yet get working.  What I want is:

All queries of domains hosted by nameserver1 are resolved by nameserver1.
All queries to nameserver1 of * and 162.131.250.* are
forwarded to pfgmvs5, resolved, and returned to the client doing the querying.
All other queries are sent to the Internet for resolution.

I have:

pfgmvs5 ( - BIND 4.9.1,  hosting
nameserver1 - BIND 8.2.2-p5, hosting
nameserver1 has in its named.conf:

zone "" IN {
        type forward;
        forward only;
        forwarders {; };

zone "" IN {
        type forward;
        forward only;
        forwarders {; };

and records such as: 
wlmftp          IN      CNAME

Queries of pfgmvs5 work fine.  Queries of a CNAME record pointing to
? to nameserver1 return the CNAME record, but don't
continue on and resolve down to an A record. Reverse queries of 162.131.250.*
to nameserver1 also don't seem to be forwarded.

There must be something I'm not understanding correctly and would appreciate
any help.


Craig Treptow
Principal Financial Group
I/S Network Administration
(515) 247-6207

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