Limits imposed on dnssigner.

Roy Arends roy at
Fri Apr 7 10:36:12 UTC 2000


We're currently running a signing session (bind v9 signer) on a zone with
aproximatly 5 meg RRs (3 meg RRsets), which is a real-life large ccTLD
zone. The unsigned zone file is 232 MByte. After we've assigned enough
swap to the signer's machine, we're running into another limit. The system
is running FreeBSD 3.4 stable on a 386 class processor (AMD Athlon). This
imposes a Max datasize of 1G.

Is there a way to run signer without running into these limits ?


Roy Arends.

Neckties strangle clear thinking.
		-- Lin Yutang
roy at                NLnetLabs
tel +31208884551                Kruislaan 419
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| \||__| )(-|_  |__(_||_)_)     The Netherlands

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