DNS Management

Simon Earthrowl simon at starcove.co.uk
Thu Apr 6 07:20:40 UTC 2000

> > I'm curious to know what folks are using to manage DNS.  I'm
>> particularly interested in sites that manage a large number of domains
>> and are constantly make modifications to zone files and such.  Are you
>> using an open source solution that is working well for you?
>We have at least 3 homegrown maintenance systems in use here, one of
>which (ITM's) I wrote from scratch, and one of which (Engineering's) was
>originally based on the University of Utah stuff and then heavily
>modified. Engineering seems mostly happy with their system, as are we
>with ours. We're also evaluating/piloting a couple of the commercial
>packages, especially with an eye towards DHCP/DNS integration. One big
>problem we are now facing (since we've gotten a lot bigger in recent
>years) is trying to co-ordinate the maintenance activities of widely
>disparate organizations, using different tools, sharing the same
>namespaces, especially reverse mappings for shared subnets. I haven't
>seen any open-source packages *or* commercial products that really handle
>this elegantly; most of them seem to assume that they are the center of
>the DNS universe and Thou Shalt Have No Other...

Lucent have a DHCP & DNS management package, which works with ISC's server.
They also have their own DNS server.... Big bucks for those that want
DHCP -> DNS synchronisation.

| Simon Earthrowl     | Tel: 01293 613000 | Intl +44 1293 613000 |
| StarCove Ltd.       | Fax: 01293 613000 | Intl +44 1293 613000 |
| 56, Park Way        | Mob: 07775 777671 | Intl +44 7775 777671 |
| Pound Hill, Crawley +-------------------+----------------------+
| Sussex, RH10 3BT    | email: simon at starcove.co.uk              |

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