debug level 1 output question

David Anderson drm_anderson at
Wed Apr 5 08:59:11 UTC 2000

Jim Reid wrote:
> >>>>> "David" == David Anderson <drm_anderson at> writes:
>     David> Hi, Can anyone explain to me what the following lines mean
>     David> from debug 1 output of a 4.9.7 server ?
>     David> np_parent(0x0) couldn't find root entry
>     David> This happens on start up and happens for all primary zones.
>     David> Can I ignore it?
> Looks like your name server doesn't know about the root zone or the
> root name servers. If that's the case, you can't ignore it. [Well, you
> could ignore it, but that would make it more than a little difficult
> to lookup non-local names...] Do you have a line like:
>         cache . named.cache

yup I have:-
cache           .                       db.cache

Further to your comment about non-local names.  I am having great
difficulty at times getting answers to queries like and even  And yet imediately
afterward a subsequent request for the same non-local name works OK.  I
thought it was a timeout issue with the client or someother timeout
issue - could the two be related ?

> in named.boot and does named.cache have the names and addresses of the
> root name servers in it?

yup I got the hints file from "Root Server Hints File"
link to the other day.
> PS: Please don't put a bogus email address in your posting. It doesn't
> make any difference to the spammers and it makes life harder for
> anyone who tries to answer your question.

No one has complained about it before, and I don't seem to get much spam
from posting in other groups so I was under the impresion that it was
sort of working.  Granted it can be a pain, and I have even managaed to
catch out myself once.  However 'tis gone now.

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