Another 'free dns', need your help...

Skip Montanaro skip at
Thu Sep 30 20:34:00 UTC 1999

    Barry> Bill Webb <wwebb at> wrote:
    >> We don't need another "free" DNS. What people need is an excellent

    Barry> If people didn't want a free DNS, why would they put up with all
    Barry> the problems of

Because they made the decision to go with granitecanyon while wearing their
bean counter hat.  Somebody else mentioned that $10/granitecanyon user/year
would go a long way toward solving their problems.  I don't know if that's
the right number, but if it's even an order of magnitude close to the right
number, I would tend to think that most people are being penny wise and
pound foolish to not seek out something more reliable.

    Barry> What I don't understand is how do the organizations that run free
    Barry> services like this justify it.  Do they get customers for their
    Barry> other services based on their name recognition?

That puzzles me as well.  You'd think they would at least sell ad space on
their server.

Skip Montanaro |
skip at |
847-971-7098   | Python: Programming the way Guido indented...

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