4 or 8? (MkLinux)

Doug Hardman doug at silvercreek.net
Mon Sep 20 18:37:09 UTC 1999


I'm about to transfer all of our domains from the current QuickDNS Pro/MacOS
config to a MkLinux/Bind setup, and am wondering what the major differences
between Bind4 and Bind8 are.

It's an easy "out of the box" setup to get 4 running on the system, but 8
takes a bit of fenangeling, and I'm wondering if it'll be worth the hastle.

Any advice would mean a lot. (especially if you have upgraded to bind8 on
MkLinux DR3, and can help)

  _[_[   Doug Hardman | doug at silvercreek.net  ]_]_
 _[_[     Principal   |  Silver Creek, Ltd.    ]_]_
_[_[    Tallmadge, OH |  www.silvercreek.net    ]_]_

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