
Jim Reid jim at mpn.cp.philips.com
Sun Sep 19 20:19:57 UTC 1999

>>>>> "Luz" == Luz Lopez <viaris at hotmail.com> writes:

    Luz> Hi all, I am newin the list and worwing whith BIND I have
    Luz> installed Bind version 8.1, however I have problems, The DNS
    Luz> runs well but it falls, I see the messages of error in
    Luz> messagge and appears the following messages:

    Luz> Sep 19 12:51:59 ns named[369]: Zone "example.com" (file db.ni): No default TTL set using SOA minimum instead 

This has been explained here a zillion times already. Please go and
check the archives and/or read the documentation about using the $TTL
directive. BTW, it's BIND8.2 which prints this warning when there's no
$TTL directive in a zone file, not 8.1 which you claim to be running.
The message is just a warning, informing you what the name server is
doing because a $TTL directive is missing.

    Luz> Sep 19 12:51:59 ns named[369]: db.ni:84: data "ns.uu.net" outside zone "ni" (ignored)

The resource record at line 84 of file db.ni is wrong. The name
ns.uu.net is outside the ni zone and therefore cannot be the name of a
resource record in the ni zone file. This error probably means that
named rejects the ni zone when your name server loads it. The name
server will make itself non-authoritative for the .ni domain. This will
prevent any slave (secondary) servers from performing a zone transfer
of the zone from your server.

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