Setting up a Root name server

chris chris at
Mon Sep 6 17:43:39 UTC 1999

Let's try this one more time..

Jim Reid wrote:

> >>>>> "chris" == chris  <chris at> writes:
>     chris> FYI, I'm 99% sure that the company that I work for supports
>     chris> a lot more trafic then altavista. And a lot more hits per second.
> So what? I used as an example of a busy web "server"
> that makes lots of DNS lookups. Even if your company is busier than
> them (which I seriously doubt), this still doesn't mean that you need
> to slave every TLD to speed things up. Most (all?) other ISPs don't
> need to slave these zones so, to repeat my earlier question, why do
> you?

As I've said about 5 times already, it's not a matter of need. The world doesn't
need 56k modems, they can sit on a 14.4 and wait a bit longer. I see something
that might speed up my network, and I want to try it.

>     chris> To give you some idea, at the
>     chris> present moment, I belive we have about 250k IP
>     chris> address. This is not for some "site" this is for a large
>     chris> ISP.
> That makes no difference. My net's bigger than yours. And we don't
> slave any TLDs. So there. :-)

Define bigger.

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