Setting up a Root name server

Jim Reid jim at
Mon Sep 6 09:50:02 UTC 1999

>>>>> "chris" == chris  <chris at> writes:

    chris> FYI, I'm 99% sure that the company that I work for supports
    chris> a lot more trafic then altavista. And a lot more hits per second.

So what? I used as an example of a busy web "server"
that makes lots of DNS lookups. Even if your company is busier than
them (which I seriously doubt), this still doesn't mean that you need
to slave every TLD to speed things up. Most (all?) other ISPs don't
need to slave these zones so, to repeat my earlier question, why do

    chris> To give you some idea, at the
    chris> present moment, I belive we have about 250k IP
    chris> address. This is not for some "site" this is for a large
    chris> ISP.

That makes no difference. My net's bigger than yours. And we don't
slave any TLDs. So there. :-)

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