Sometimes it doesn't pay to be Mr. DNS

Ron Hall thorn at
Mon Oct 25 17:00:05 UTC 1999

Howdy All!

	What can I say? The response given was terse, but it was
	correct. As a long time maintainer of DNS systems and
	a long time lurker on this list I feel I must add my 
	3 centimes to the fray....

	Mr Liu et al have written a fine book. One that has improved
	on since day 1 (I know I have all 3 editions and will buy
	the next when it comes available).

	Mr Liu does a wonderful service by answering as many questions as
	he does (as does Mr Margolin and others). They do it for FREE
	(OK Mr Liu gets to plug the book from time-to-time. but it
	 is a really good book....the de facto, penultimate, absolutely,
	all-in-one guide to doing DNS). You're doing DNS you need this

	Of course if you choose to go it alone (sans book) there is always
	various relevant RFCs, BOG documentation and apocryphal stories
	from the web, but you don't have to have the book. In addition
	there is this list. You don't need it either, but it helps.

	So you've choices (and this, as they say is a good thing), you
	can buy the book, not buy the book, use the list, not use the
	list or some combination thereof. The one choice you don't have 
	is to use a resource and then complaint in the vulgariest of ways
	that it did not do what you wanted it to do. Free advice (and
	that's what is given here - advice) is not to be shat on, nor are
	the people therein who give advice to be abused by the list users.

	You don't have to like them, listen to them or even enjoy their
	tone of prose, but you also don't get to insult them. That
	behaviour belongs back on the grade school playground.
	Shame on you.

Who:    Ron Hall   - + 1 514 398 3718  (thorn at 
What:   iUnix-Guy, Web-slogger, wizard, casual hero & part-time bartender
When:   Some out-of-the-way corner of Time&Space where they serve coffee  
Where:  Same as above only I'm more grounded
Why:    Because I can. 
Wote:   "Oh what rules these morals be!"

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