Network Solutions Not Responding?

Jay Nugent jjn at
Mon Nov 8 03:58:44 UTC 1999


On Sat, 6 Nov 1999, Ron Risley wrote:

> I have been trying to change my domain name servers since early October. I
> get nothing but automated replies from Network Solutions, and no updates
> to the database. All of my emailed requests for assistance have been
> ignored. Their fax machine doesn't even answer the phone.

   If you are trying to change to a "different" nameserver (both IP
address and hostname are different) they file a Domain Modification
Request (under 'Make Changes' on the opening screen at

   You CANNOT change the IP address of an existing nameserver, nor can you
assign a NEW hostname to an address already known to NSI as a nameserver.
Well, you can, but it's much much more difficult and involved...

   In this example:


   You CANNOT change *either* of the above, as they are related to one
another in the NSI database.  These are known as a host record (HST).
There is an entirely different set of forms to fill out usually followed
by a FAX to NSI stating why you wish to make the change.  Yes, it's

   If you are trying to change from say:


   To a completely different nameserver:


   Then that indeed should be an overnight process by filling a Domain
Modification Request form via email.

   Let us know precisely what it is you are intending to do and maybe we
can isolate what is going wrong.

      --- Jay

            |  Jay Nugent                 jjn at |____|
            |  Nugent Telecommunications |
            |  Web-Pegasus |
            |  (734)971-1076        (734)971-4529 /Fax |
            |                                          |
            | ISP & Modem Performance Monitoring Svcs. |
            | Discount Reseller of 123.Net ISP Services|
            | Internet Consulting / Linux SysAdmin     |
            | Web Hosting / DNS Hosting / Shell Accts. |
            | Embedded Controllers / Engr. & Design    |
         /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/   |

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