Help, reverse resolve on classless subnet wackyness

Michael Voight mvoight at
Tue Jun 8 17:58:21 UTC 1999

Jeremy Friesen wrote:
> This is probably a terrible newbie mistake, as I am in fact a terrible
> newbie, but I couldn't find it in the FAQ, so here goes. I'm trying to run
> my own DNS for a small (16 IPs) subnet. I've set up bind, and when used
> localy, everything is find and dandy. properly resolves to
> "".
> The ISP has delegated reverse DNS to my server, yet when I try to reverse
> DNS my address through an external name server, something frightening
> happens: resolves to "".
> Is this my mistake? My ISP's? They don't know either. Here's the file involved:

Your DNS file is fine. It looks like your ISP's zone file for the
reverse domain may have dropped the dot at the end of the hostname.


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