zone setup at public dns (granitecanyon)

Jake Odell Jake_Odell at
Tue Jun 8 05:41:15 UTC 1999

I'm trying to get a couple of domains set up at public
dns.  It looks like public dns has not kept up with the
changes at network solutions, and I have not been able
to figure out how to do the delegations.  Apparently
the URLs at for setting
them up used to do something appropriate at InterNIC,
but are broken now.

I've tried to get help from
news:// and have not
been able to get a pulse on that server, so apparently
it's broken too.  The FAQ does not answer the
questions.  They were up-front about not answering
e-mail, mine is heretofore unanswered.

Can anyone here help with the setup at public dns,
specifically the delegations?

J Odell  **  JOdell at Pantheon.NET

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