question about serial numbers

Bryan Fullerton bryanf at
Sat Jun 26 05:05:13 UTC 1999

On Fri, Jun 25, 1999 at 09:36:38PM -0700, Bill Manning <bmanning at ISI.EDU> wrote:
> 	Er, yes they are.  Serial numbers are not dates. 
> 	A serial number is a signed integer.  Please see
> 	RFC 1982 for details. Impuing a date on a signed
> 	number is one way to help humans. DNS does not care.

DNS does not care what format you use, but you will if you're using a
serial number in the format YYMMDDN. A serial number which, for example,
updates from 9912311 to 0001011 (which BIND sees as 1011) would probably
be a bad thing.

However, feel free to do whatever you want.


Bryan Fullerton      
Core Competency
Samurai Consulting
"No, we don't do seppuku."     Can you feel the Ohmu call?

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