Joseph S D Yao jsdy at cospo.osis.gov
Fri Jul 30 16:13:48 UTC 1999

>  I am looking to run a service that will allow people to have their name
> run off of one domain "theirsite.mydomain.com" "theirsite2.mydomain.com"
> and on and on! The problem im having is i can't get the name server to
> send the surfer to the right directory. Every time a subdomain is typed
> it sends them to the main domain. Is there a way to send the surfer to
> the proper directory thru DNS or do i need something else?
>  I have seen this done many times before so i kone it can be done, I
> just don't know how! ANY help would be most gratefull!

This has nothing to do with DNS.  It has to do with the configuration
of your Web server.

People need to understand that DNS does NOT deal in URLs.  It does
lookups.  It translates your domain name X to your IP address Y and
vice versa.  It looks up other information.  Some new record types may
be put together with the addresses to form URLs, but so far NO software
of which I know does that.

In the Apache web server, you need to have "virtual hosts" in your
httpd.conf file:

	<VirtualHost theirsite.mydomain.com>
	#Port 80
	ServerAdmin webmaster at mydomain.com
	DocumentRoot /usr/local/apache/share/their-docs
	ServerName theirsite.mydomain.com
	ErrorLog var/log/their-error_log
	TransferLog var/log/their-access_log
	CustomLog var/log/their-agent_log agent
	UserDir their_html

Joe Yao				jsdy at cospo.osis.gov - Joseph S. D. Yao
COSPO/OSIS Computer Support					EMT-B
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