Secondary wants "static" records

Joseph S D Yao jsdy at
Tue Jul 20 20:03:51 UTC 1999

> I hope some guru can help.  What happens during a xfer from primary to
> secondary?
> All records for intended zone got overwritten?

Yes.  Unless you are using the new Incremental Zone Transfer feature.
Then it only does a complete download the first time, and copies down
the changes on subsequent downloads.

> What if I want to protect a number of records for a particular zone while
> uploading
> the rest?  Will glue records help me?  I feel I'm doing something
> non-standard here
> but is there a way?

There's no provision for even specifying any records in a slave
("secondary") server that are not in the master.  The idea is that all
authoritative servers for a domain are supposed to be serving IDENTICAL

Why do you want to make one [or more] have different information?
There is only one Truth.  ;-)

Joe Yao				jsdy at - Joseph S. D. Yao
COSPO/OSIS Computer Support					EMT-B
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