What is the difference between domain and zone?

Mathias Körber mathias at staff.singnet.com.sg
Thu Jul 15 07:06:24 UTC 1999

I goes further than that. the *domain* cisco.com includes all subdomains,
whether delegated to other nameservers or not.

The *zone* cisco.com only includes the data that is in cisco.com's zonefile
that zone, ie the data in cisco.com, delegation and glue records for
subdomains etc.
A delegated subdomain is part of the domain cisco.com, but not of the zone

Does that make it clearer?

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Voight <mvoight at cisco.com>
To: sandra <sandra at ccuec.unicamp.br>
Cc: comp-protocols-dns-bind at moderators.isc.org
<comp-protocols-dns-bind at moderators.isc.org>
Date: Thursday, July 15, 1999 07:54
Subject: Re: What is the difference between domain and zone?

>I hope I know :)
>For example
>cisco.com is a domain and a zone.
>michael.cisco.com is not a zone unless it has been delegated with NS
>records and has an SOA.
>sandra wrote:
>> I have seen this question on www.isc.org/trainning home page and I don'
>> t know the
>> answer. Could anybody tell me?
>> Thanks.
>> Sandra

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