logging requests

Joseph S D Yao jsdy at cospo.osis.gov
Fri Jul 2 14:46:36 UTC 1999

> So....  How do I log log user names and URL requests?
> I appear to be logging mostly requests for mail, etc.  That
> does not do a whole lot of good; I need to be able to tell which user is
> requesting what URL....

As I said before,

BIND DOES NOT "DO" URLs.  Or users.  Users do NOT ask BIND for
anything.  A program on a system does.  BIND does NOT get asked for
URLs.  It gets asked, e.g., what is the IP address for this host name?

The best you can do is know that at X time one of the users logged into
Y system [your users do log in, don't they?] - but you don't know which
one, and it may even have been a system program and not a user at all -
for some reason, which may or may not have been related to a Uniform
Resource Locator, wanted a translation of a resource Z to another in
form Q.

If you want a name - time - URL log, you will have to
	(a) firewall off your site, so there is only one point out of
	which users can access Web sites
	(b) put up a logging Web proxy
	(c) make everyone log in to the proxy, so that you know which
	of several users logged into a given system is getting the
	madonna.prayers.va site, and which is getting the
	raunchy.nasty.us site.  ;-/

Joe Yao				jsdy at cospo.osis.gov - Joseph S. D. Yao
COSPO/OSIS Computer Support					EMT-B
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