updates (how 2 stop?)

Jim Reid jim at mpn.cp.philips.com
Wed Jul 7 15:34:32 UTC 1999

>>>>> "chris" == chris cariffe <chriss at well.com> writes:

    chris> since it seems that Windows2000 tries to do an auto update
    chris> by default how can i turn off the allow update feature in
    chris> BIND 8.1.2 and 8.2 so i can avoid these messages

It's not clear what you mean. By default, dynamic DNS is disabled in
BIND8. There's nothing to "turn off". If you want random desktops to
have arbitrary write access to your DNS, you have to explictly enable
it with an allow-update substatement in the relevant zone statement in

If you want to suppress logging of these messages, you can do this
through named.conf's logging statement. Just direct all messages in
the update category to the null (logging) channel:
	logging {
		category update { null; }

However that is VERY unwise. You could be throwing away information
about possible security attacks as well as misconfigured boxes that
are trying to do naughty things to your DNS data.

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