Bind 8 special characters david.laneNOdaSPAM at
Thu Dec 30 15:13:20 UTC 1999

In article <84dtgi$bgn$1 at>, "A.R." <gauged at>
> System: Red Hat 6.0
> Version: Bind 8
> Problem:  Special Characters
> Description:
> We are implementing dns on this red hat box.
> Some computer names on this existing network
> have "underscore" characters (_) in their host
> name.  Is it possible to use underscore characters
> in this version of bind.

The short answer is no.  The long answer depends on who you talk to.  I
was told by my ISP back some 5 years now that there was a change to the
RFC that striped underscores as a valid character.  Just this week I
discovered that is was not an RFC change but a change in the BIND code
that outlawed underscores.  Either way, they don't work and you will
need to change them.

What I have done for my hosts with underscores is replace the
underscore with a dash in DNS.  Since the machines talk IP anyway, it
really doesn't matter, unless you have an application that is tied to
the host name....


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