nsupdate errors

Stephen Carville carville at ugsolutions.com
Mon Dec 6 18:14:10 UTC 1999

I am using a simple perl script to automatically update bind 8 from
the dhcpd.leases file.  I use nsupdate and All of the A and PTR records
seem to get added  but I keep seeing errors like:

named[27911]: error processing update packet id 22256 from

The format for a record updates is:

prereq yxdomain cypci319a.cypdhcp.ugsolutions.com
update delete cypci319a.cypdhcp.ugsolutions.com

prereq yxdomain
update delete

update add cypci319a.cypdhcp.ugsolutions.com 3600 IN A

update add 3600 IN PTR cypci319a.cypdhcp.ugsolutions.com 

I am running these scripts in a production environment with no
problems and these errors do not seem to indicate anything harmful. 
However, they are esthetically unpleasant and I would like to fix the
errors before going to version 1.0 on the script package.

Any ideas?

Stephen Carville
Renaissance Geek
If Alexander Graham Bell had gone along with the rules of the Western
Union telegraph company, there would have been no telephones.

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