DNS tools

Hubert.QUARANTEL at DSI.VLY.sextant.thomson-csf.com Hubert.QUARANTEL at DSI.VLY.sextant.thomson-csf.com
Thu Aug 19 10:18:45 UTC 1999

Hi everybody,

	I'm looking for graphical (X11) tools to manage DNS database files,
prowerful tools that could manage different types of RRs (not just
A/NS/PTR/SOA RRs). I'm actually using a hosts_to_named shell-script
(shipped with HP-UX distribution) but it's no graphical at all, and its
not really powerful (yet very useful).
	Does anyone know wether what I'm looking for exists (for Unix systems
of course) ??? and where could I get it ?


+      Hubert Quarantel-Colombani                                     +
+            Sextant Avionique (Velizy) DSI/SYS/SR                    +
+                                                                     +
+      tel Sextant:         [+33 | 0] 1 46 29 51 34                   +
+      courriel Sextant:    Hubert.Quarantel at sextant.thomson-csf.com  +

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