Naming the Nameservers

Ronald Procopio RonaldMarkProcopio at
Wed Aug 18 01:14:05 UTC 1999

David Carmean wrote:
> [ I'm sorry...this is not exactly BIND-specific, but it looks
> like should be renamed
> ]
> So far, all of the nameservers I've built/administered have
> done double-duty as both the authoritative ("listed") nameservers
> (for hundreds of domains, at the ISP jobs), and as caching
> servers resolving queries for client machines (e.g. dialup users,
> desktops, etc).
> I'm looking for ideas for a naming scheme for these servers that
> makes clear the distinction between the two functions.  One case
> I remember, for a large ISP, had the authoritative/published
> servers named NS1, NS2, etc., and the caching-only (presumably)
> servers for the clients named DNS1, DNS2, etc.  I'd use
> ns-resolver-1, etc, but I'd rather find something shorter.
> Anybody done/seen anything that they like better?  I'd like it if
> the names could serve a dual purpose and sort of educate people
> that there's a distinction between the two.
> Thanks for any suggestions.
> --
> David Carmean                                           <dlc at>
>   PGP fingerprint =  B1 57 EB A8 1D B9 87 86  5F 5C 51 A4 F2 5E ED FD
>         My God, it's full of Cars!

How about nscache1, nscache2 for the caching servers?

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