Memory leak in 8.2.1 running under Solaris 2.7?

Tim Rayner trayner at
Wed Aug 11 01:13:43 UTC 1999


After the replies I have received, and some futher investigation on this
point, I think I can answer these follow-up questions.

I was under the mistaken belief that I was running version 8.2.1 of bind
whilst I experienced this memory leak behaviour.  It was a silly mistake
- I had compiled 8.2.1, done a make install, and I noticed that a
version 8 bind process was running, because it successfully read my
named.conf file.  I presumed that I was running the 8.2.1 version, and I
knew that older released of solaris (up till 2.6) came with a 4.9.x
version of bind which used the named.boot file rather than named.conf

So, I find that now that I am really running the version 8.2.1 that I
compiled, the memory usage is much more moderate.  The old version
didn't even stop running away when I configured the datasize { 30000 ; }
option in the named.conf file.

Leo Cazares wrote:

> I have seen a couple of responses to the memory leak
> question:
> 1) From Jean-Luc Leboutet <jl.leboutet at
>    Patch for Solaris 2.7 fixes memory leak

Sounds like the patch I needed to fix the bind version that came with
solaris - I didn't really want to be running this one!.

> 2) From Mark_Andrews at
>    Mis-configured server should specify max datasize.

This didn't succeed in curbing the memory leak in the named shipped with
solaris 2.7, but now that I know how to run named 8.2.1, I'll use this
if neccessary, but I don't think I'll need to now.

> My questions:
> 1) Is there a problem with Solaris 2.6?  If yes, is
>    there a patch?

Solaris 2.6 came with the older 4.9.x version of bind

> 2) Does the problem go away if the server
>    is "properly" configured -or- do you still need
>    the patch?

No, The Solaris 2.7 problem needs patching (or upgrading to bind 8.2.1)
- the datasize configuration limit didn't stop the memory on this
process running away, and I guess it would have crashed, had we let it
keep running.

> - Leo

I hope this clears up the confusion that I created!


Please note my new phone number......
Tim Rayner - Networks Officer         | Email : trayner at
             Murray Campus            |  Mail : P.O. Box 789, Albury,NSW, 2640
             Charles Sturt University | Phone : (02) 6051 9886
                                      |   Fax : (02) 6051 9919

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