ndc query question

Becki Kain beckers at josephus.furph.com
Fri Aug 6 01:09:39 UTC 1999

I turned query logging on on my 8.2.1 bind machine and I'm getting stuff
like this:

05-Aug-1999 20:56:52.054 queries: info:

05-Aug-1999 20:58:04.934 queries: info:

05-Aug-1999 20:58:10.062 queries: info:

05-Aug-1999 20:59:34.945 queries: info:

where is the ip of my box.  I can't find a good reference for
what this is telling me, but I thought it meant someone is coming from
this ip and doing an A record lookup on, say dns01.ops.usa.net.  Or does
this mean they are using me as a server and how do I shut that off so only
this machine can use itself as a server?



 Becki Kain
beckers at furph.com
  furph, Inc.	WWW/Unix/Windows Solutions	734-513-7763 (voice)
info at furph.com	   http://www.furph.com		734-513-7759 (FAX)

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