[Kea-users] Adding a lease via lease4-add API call

Nicolò Borghi borghi.nicolo at gmail.com
Wed Jan 10 08:17:42 UTC 2024

Dear Kea users,

I'm exploring potentially useful features for my use case. I'm running Kea 2.4.0.

Section 16.15.1 of the manual reads:

"The lease4-add and lease6-add commands allow a new lease to be created. Typically Kea creates a lease when it first sees a new device; however, sometimes it may be convenient to create the lease manually."

I have several questions about these two lines:

 * what would be one of those cases when it is convenient to create the lease manually?
 * can I add a lease with an IP of a given subnet but outside of a particular pool?
 * does kea actually use the lease to assign the IP? I mean, can this feature be used as a poor man's alternative to the JSON/DB based concept of host reservation?

Thank you for your support.

Best regards,
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