[Kea-users] IPv4 DDNS with existing IPv6 AAAA records

Brian J. Murrell brian at interlinx.bc.ca
Mon Jul 24 13:57:41 UTC 2023

Beyond being EoL, the (other) ISC DHCP server product
(https://www.isc.org/dhcp/) has a problem in the use-case where you
want to have DHCP for your IPv4 addresses and have IPv6 (AAAA)
addresses for the same hosts in your DNS already.

The problem is because the ISC DHCP server is gating adding the A
record for the IPv4 DHCP lease on there being *no other* (not just
other A) records in the zone for the host.

When one adds AAAA records for the same host that ISC DHCP wants to
dynamically add A records for you get the following errors:

Jul 24 09:17:22 server named-pkcs11[3550049]: client @0x7f6c27bb3b30 linux_home_nsupdate: updating zone 'example.com/IN': update unsuccessful: brian-laptop.example.com: 'name not in use' prerequisite not satisfied (YXDOMAIN)
Jul 24 09:17:22 server named-pkcs11[3550049]: client @0x7f6c24ed2c40 linux_home_nsupdate: updating zone 'example.com/IN': update unsuccessful: brian-laptop.example.com/TXT: 'RRset exists (value dependent)' prerequisite not satisfied (NXRRSET)
Jul 24 09:17:22 server dhcpd[5836]: Forward map from brian-laptop.example.com to FAILED: Has an address record but no DHCID, not mine.

This makes using the ISC DHCP server in a dual-stack environment

Does the Kea DHCP server have the same problems or can it successfully
dynamically update the A record even when there are other pre-existing
records, such as AAAA, for the same host?


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