[Kea-users] remote-global-parameter4-set host-reservation-identifiers

stephan at bahr-it.com stephan at bahr-it.com
Wed Nov 6 09:42:34 UTC 2019


I was trying to set the "host-reservation-identifiers" parameter via 
hook. The documentation says it is a global parameter, so I tried 

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "command": 
"remote-global-parameter4-set", "service": [ "dhcp4" ], "arguments": { 
"parameters": { "host-reservation-identifiers": [ "hw-address" ] }, 
"remote": { "type": "mysql" }, "server-tags": [ "all" ] } }' 

The response was:

[ { "result": 1, "text": "StampedValue: provided value of the 
'host-reservation-identifiers' parameter has invalid type: list" } ]

I got the documentation that way, that it should be a list, but okay, 
let's try it as a string:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "command": 
"remote-global-parameter4-set", "service": [ "dhcp4" ], "arguments": { 
"parameters": { "host-reservation-identifiers": "hw-address" }, 
"remote": { "type": "mysql" }, "server-tags": [ "all" ] } }' 

The new response was:

[ { "result": 1, "text": "bad parameter 'host-reservation-identifiers' 
value type: expected list, got string" } ]

This looks like I use the right command, it knows 
'host-reservation-identifiers' and how it wants it (as a list). But list 
didn't work. Am I missing something?

Best regards,


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