ISC DHCPv6-BIND9 DDNS update problem

Mirsad Todorovac mirsad.todorovac at
Tue Jun 14 07:27:35 UTC 2022

On 6/10/22 19:14, Simon wrote:

>> Unfortunately, I am not even the admin of all those net segments and rogue devices. I might be simply out of luck with this one.
> Presumably you know the network admins who are responsible for those segments ? And presumably there must be a person or group which oversees the network as a whole (subnets/prefixes etc) ? Just letting everyone “do their own thing” without central planning is a recipe for disaster.
> So you need to go to them and point out what the problem is, and what needs to be done to fix it. Of course, if they don’t want to then you’re down to internal politics and potentially you end up reporting back to management that you can’t implement what’s asked for because others are actively sabotaging the network (that’s how I’d describe it if supposed network admins are doing nothing to deal with rogue services like this.)

Hi, Simon,

There is a quote that says that it is wrong to attributed to active sabotaging what can be explained with neglect and stupidity.

I believe in the most cases these are simply the default settings for the devices. Probably someone in those companies thinks that it is a good idea to have a dozen of DHCPv6 servers who do not talk to each other and have no ideas of other server's IPv6 range - all on the same subnet.


Mirsad Goran Todorovac
CARNet sistem inženjer
Grafički fakultet | Akademija likovnih umjetnosti
Sveučilište u Zagrebu
CARNet system engineer
Faculty of Graphic Arts | Academy of Fine Arts
University of Zagreb, Republic of Croatia
tel. +385 (0)1 3711 451
mob. +385 91 57 88 355

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