leases file not growing in recover mode

Nick Urbanik nick.urbanik at
Sun Dec 18 01:59:43 UTC 2016

Dear Folks,

On 18/12/16 12:47 +1100, Nick Urbanik wrote:
>I have two busy pairs of DHCP servers, each with one partner in
>partner-down mode, with the other partner in recover mode.  MCLT is
>one hour.
>One pair is doing fine, with the machine in recover mode dutifully
>building its file of leases.  There is a lot of chatter on port 519.
>However the other pair worry me: the lease file is unchanged in size,
>after quite a while of recover/partner-down modes.  There is not much
>happening on port 519.
>Any suggestions on ways to encourage the second pair to talk together more?

wireshark shows only message type of "Contact (11)" between the
servers where the lease file does not change in size on the machine in
recover mode, while the failover protocol for the active pair shows a
great deal of lease information in the failover exchanges on port 519.
Nick Urbanik 808-71011 nick.urbanik at
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