unique root path for each IP?

Gruher, Joseph R joseph.r.gruher at intel.com
Fri Jul 18 16:20:57 UTC 2014

Hello all-

I have a bed of diskless clients which boot over iSCSI.  Each client receives an IP and root path from the DHCP server, the root path points to a unique iSCSI target.  The way this is implemented in the DHCP server today is to statically pair the IP and root path with each client's MAC address, for example:

host initiator1 {
hardware ethernet 00:0C:29:A8:93:DF;
filename "";
option root-path "iscsi:initiator1.example.com::::target00";

The downside of this is that I have to know the MAC of every client.  I don't actually care which client gets which IP or which target, all clients are identical, so as long as they all get a unique IP and target not given to any other client at the same time I'm good.  Ideally I would just like to pair the IPs and targets, since the DHCP server already handles keeping IPs unique a 1:1 pairing with targets will also ensure targets are unique.  Is it possible to set up dhcpd.conf to do something like this:

When issuing issue root path "iscsi:initiator1.example.com::::target10"
When issuing issue root path "iscsi:initiator1.example.com::::target11"
When issuing issue root path "iscsi:initiator1.example.com::::target95"

Or even more compact, can we do something like this:

When issuing 10.0.0.X issue root path "iscsi:initiator1.example.com::::targetX"


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