dhclient with multiple routing tables

Steven Carr sjcarr at gmail.com
Tue May 21 16:00:23 UTC 2013

Asking the same question a second time when no-one responded the first
time isn't going to get you an answer.

>From a quick Google search it looks like dhclient doesn't do this out
of the box, you're gonna have to modify the scripts dhclient runs post
interface up to implement updating different routing tables.

Easiest option is to install an intermediate box (see Peplink, Elfiq,
F5, Barracuda) that can properly share/prioritise/failover your
Internet links for you.

On 21 May 2013 16:31, Fernando <devel at netkeep.com.br> wrote:
> Hi everyone, I´m having trouble finding a way to make dhclient put it´s
> output into a specific routing table, my scenario is:
> I have two internet connections and until now i can only setup both using
> static IPs, that´s force me or routing the modems when it´s possible or use
> routers  between the modems and the server, in both cases my network will be
> under two NATs, one from the routers and other from the server itself. So,
> to simplify thinks and make then more elegant I want to eliminate the
> routers, to do that I need that dhclient put the configurations that it
> accquire from ISPs into specific routing tables instead the default "main"
> routing table (found in /etc/iproute2/rt_tables)...
> So I need two daemons running togheter one listening in one interface (ex
> eth1) and send the configs to the table ex. LINK1 and another daemon
> listening on the other interface (ex eth2) and sends the configs to other
> table ex LINK2
> Any ideas?
> Thanks!
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