ISC DHCP limitation observed while load testing with dhcperf

Ted Lemon Ted.Lemon at
Wed Jun 5 17:17:08 UTC 2013

On Jun 5, 2013, at 1:01 PM, Amit Jathar <amit.jathar at> wrote:
> Is there anyone who has achieved more TPS than this, may be around 1000 TPS ?

I've never seen ISC DHCP break 200 TPS.   If you want bigger numbers, there are commercial servers that would do it (including the one Nominum sells, FWIW).   Generally speaking you need to be managing a _lot_ of leases before 1000 TPS is a load that you realistically need to be able to support.   I've seen people manage 200k or more leases on the ISC server, but they did it by doing multi-day leases to keep the TPS low.

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