Help with DHCPv6 client-identifiers

Alex Bligh alex at
Sat Nov 19 08:05:04 UTC 2011

--On 18 November 2011 21:50:35 +0000 Ted Lemon <Ted.Lemon at> 

> On Nov 19, 2011, at 3:34 AM, "Alex Bligh" <alex at> wrote:
>> So, as I said, we use auto configure, which works just fine and has 100%
>> support in IPv6 compliant client OSes (unlike at the time dhcpv6). If
>> dhcpdv6 had been less of a use-case-hostile design, I think it would have
>> far wider deployment.
> I have trouble understanding why this is a bad outcome, and what all the
> vitriol is about.   If RA is working fine for you, why do you care that
> DHCPv6 is not?

Autoconfig is quite inflexible in terms of addressing and netmasks which
can be used. In particular, use of EUI64 means you end up giving the client
a much bigger subnet than they need, and it is hard to allocate >1 IPv6
address per NIC (i.e. per MAC) using this scheme without wasting yet more
space. What we'd really like is to be able to allocate a fixed number
of least significant bits (say 24) as "index of IP on one NIC", then the
next (say 24) as "index of NIC on vLAN". Each vLAN would then get a /80.
We could do have done that with DHCP or similar if it worked.

Alex Bligh

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