A Perl omshell Mystery

Bruce Hudson Bruce.Hudson at Dal.Ca
Thu May 5 21:17:32 UTC 2011

> 	If you change one word in the script from remove to
> create with the object actually installed, the complaint changes
> from not found to already exists which is to be expected. Any
> ideas as to why one can not delete an object using perl to call
> omshell?

    OMAPI implements a "split" database model. There are local objects and
objects in the server. When you are creating a server object, you build it
locally and then issue the "create" command. That creates the server object
and links the two together.

    When you are deleting a server object you need to build the local
object, link it to the existing server object with an "open" command.
Then you can issue the "remove".

    So, in short, insert an "open" before your "remove" and all should
be well. 
Bruce A. Hudson				| Bruce.Hudson at Dal.CA
ITS, Networks and Systems		|
Dalhousie University			|
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada		| (902) 494-3405

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