Is there any protection mechanism for a spamming dhcp client?

Alex Bligh alex at
Thu Feb 3 15:06:28 UTC 2011

--On 3 February 2011 14:49:00 +0100 Jürgen Dietl 
<juergen.dietl at> wrote:

> Is there a way to ignore a special amount of packets with ip table? I
> dont want to block all the packets from the client. Can you maybe post an
> example for IP-Tables?

No example to hand, but look at the man-page, specifically the
--limit, --limit-burst, and --mac-source options. You basically
want to:
  accept all dhcp from that mac address, with --limit
  reject all dhcp from that mac address [failing the above match]
  accept all [default]

So if you use an accept all default, that's 2 lines in the input chain.

On a recent kernel, then you can use the 'recent' module and the
--update / --rcheck / --seconds / --reap modules, to do strict
rate limiting.

Completely untested:

iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 67:68 --sport 67:68 -m mac --mac-source 
00:11:22:33:44:55  -m recent --name printer --rcheck --seconds 120 -j DROP

Alex Bligh

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