ctrace.c error / failover "peer holds all free leases"

Glenn Satchell Glenn.Satchell at uniq.com.au
Fri Mar 27 00:59:35 UTC 2009

There's no timer, you have to manually put it in partner down mode.
This is a deliberate design decision.


>Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2009 16:25:26 -0500
>From: "Foggi, Nicola" <NFOGGI at depaul.edu>
>is there a timer that takes it from communications-interrupted to partner-down 
state?  it also appears that in communications-interrupted the reserved leases 
may not be honored.  Of course i didn't have debugging enabled, so can't tell 
exactly what happened, but the primary server (which was up) leased a random new 
ip to the client vs the reserved ip... back to the source code, ughh...
>maybe reserved leases and failover together aren't ready for production yet :(
>-----Original Message-----
>From: dhcp-users-bounces at lists.isc.org on behalf of Foggi, Nicola
>Sent: Thu 3/26/2009 11:36 AM
>To: dhcp-users at lists.isc.org
>Subject: ctrace.c error / failover "peer holds all free leases"
>running 3.1.2b1
>received this message:
>ctrace.c(168): trace_write_packet: short write (407:596)
>on one of the servers in a failover pair, caused the server to stop running, 
any ideas what it means?  The other problem is then the primary server started 
giving "peer holds all free leases" messages.  Our failover has:
>    mclt 900;
>    split 255;
>    load balance max seconds 3;
>so the "primary" server should have all leases to hand out if i read the 
documentation correctly, but turning on "DEBUG_FIND_LEASE" returned:
>dhcpd: Not returning a lease.
>dhcpd: DHCPDISCOVER from 00:1c:b3:62:e7:97 via peer holds all free 
>this is after more than 24 hours of the secondary server being down... any one 
else see this?

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