Release via omshell

Andre Schubert andre at
Tue Jul 7 14:07:08 UTC 2009

Hi there,

i have the following problem with ISC DHCPD 3.1.2.
Lets say i have a customer with a CPE which has an active lease.
Now lets say the CPE is damaged and the customer setup a new CPE with
a different mac-address.

Lets say the customer wants the same IP on the new CPE he had on the damaged CPE.
With omshell iam able to set the lease-state to released/expired/free whatever.
However it seems that the lease doenst get reallocated to the client because
the mac-address is not the same.

Is it possible the change the state of the lease so it could reallocated to the new CPE.

Is there a difference between sending a DHCPRELEASE from the client (doesnt work because damaged)
and setting the state to release via omshell?

Hope someone could shed some light on my issue.

Best Regards,

Andre Schubert            EMail:   Andre.Schubert at
                          Tel:     03774 6625-74
                          Fax:     03774 6625-79

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