Failover and pools with single machines

Tina Siegenthaler tina at
Thu Dec 14 16:01:38 UTC 2006

Am 14.12.2006 um 16:52 schrieb Simon Hobson:

> Tina Siegenthaler wrote:
>>> Failover won't work with such small pools. However, since you will
>>>  only have one client/pool then you could simply replicate the  
>>> config
>>>  and NOT use failover. The client will get the same address  
>>> regardless
>>>  of which server it took the lease from, and no other client will  
>>> get
>>>  the same address from the other server.
>>>  You would still need to use failover on the general use pools  
>>> though.
>> Does this mean I can just use the same config file (or that part of
>> it with the single-host pools) on 2 dhcp servers at the same time?
>> Won't they get each other in the way?
> Ordinarily, having two independent servers offering the same
> addresses would be a disaster looking for somewhere to happen. It
> will work in this case because you have pools with exactly one
> address which can be leased to exactly one client - so you can't have
> the same address offered to two different clients.

Now, I see. That's why I was sceptic, because usually having 2 dhcpd  
servers on the same network is not really what you want to have...

So I'll give this setup a try.

Thanks again for your help,


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