Deprecating BIND 9.18+ on Windows (or making it community improved and supported

Reindl Harald h.reindl at
Thu Jun 3 18:17:16 UTC 2021

Am 03.06.21 um 20:12 schrieb Danny Mayer via bind-users:
> I don't speak for ISC but it's important to understand that support of 
> an operating system costs money and unless a company or organization is 
> willing to step up with money it cannot be expected to continue support. 
> There was originally a need and the money for BIND9 on Windows which is 
> why the effort was made.

that's an unproven claim

my unproven claim based on expierience is that these days there was a 
need for named, httpd, php, mysqld and so on on windows

these days where virtualization, WSL and containers exists that need is 
more or less gone

> On 6/3/21 4:03 AM, Richard T.A. Neal wrote:
>> Thanks Vicky and Ondrej for providing clarity. I'll be sad to see it 
>> when this happens but as I said in my original post I don't 
>> underestimate the sheer amount of effort required to maintain BIND for 
>> Windows going forwards so it's completely understandable that you want 
>> to focus on platforms that are the most widely used and best 
>> understood by ISC. The retention of the dig client for Windows, even 
>> if unsupported, will indeed be welcomed by some.
>> I'll shift my own focus back to BIND on Linux now as well, but I'll 
>> retain a tertiary BIND server running 9.16 for Windows just so that I 
>> can help out anyone who subsequently downloads and installs BIND for 
>> Windows between now and its end-of-support date.

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