query time rounding-off in DIG with win2k

Danny Mayer mayer at gis.net
Wed May 15 01:32:10 UTC 2002

At 10:52 AM 5/14/02, Barry Margolin wrote:
>In article <abq2ib$sah$1 at isrv4.isc.org>, Danny Mayer  <mayer at gis.net> wrote:
> >
> >At 08:28 AM 5/13/02, Ville wrote:
> >
> >>Hello,
> >>I need to compare the reply times I get from different DNS servers,
> >>but DIG.exe for win2k rounds off the query time to 0 milliseconds,
> >>1000 milliseconds, 2000 milliseconds and so on. How can I get accurate
> >>query times, is there a bug in the DIG.exe?
> >
> >No.  Dig from BIND 8 can only be accurate to microseconds due to the way
> >that the system time is retrieved. In BIND 9 it does a better job and gets
> >the system time in milliseconds.
>I think you're confusing milli and micro -- micro is smaller than milli.

Yes I was.  Sorry about that.  However there's a more "accurate" way of
getting the time that is employed in BIND 9 that was not used in BIND 8.

>And in any case, the above messages are only accurate to whole seconds.
>Windows may suck, but I find it difficult to believe that BIND 8 can't get
>any fractions of a second.

It can but it requires a modification to the code that will affect Unix systems
as well.


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