BIND 9.2.1 MINTTL Problem (and Solution)

Jim Reid jim at
Wed Jul 3 16:59:26 UTC 2002

>>>>> "Barry" == Barry Finkel <b19141 at> writes:

    Barry> I have a number of problems with BIND 9.2.1 in test; the
    Barry> production BIND is 8.2.5-REL.  Here is one of them.

    Barry> I am seeing messages on the slave server like this:

    Barry>      Jul 3 07:17:32 named[5037]:
    Barry> named.ldi:6: no TTL specified; using SOA MINTTL instead

    Barry> I am seeing these for some, but not all of the slave zones.
    Barry> I do not see this message produced on the BIND 9.2.1 master
    Barry> (nor on 8.2.5-REL I had running on the master).  What
    Barry> concerns me is that these messages are for slave zones.

This error message is explained in the migration notes. Did you read
them? They're in doc/misc/migration. You might find these notes
helpful for the other problems you've found.

    Barry> I could not find this message in the source; in what module
    Barry> is it?


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