Some devices randomly losing their IPv4 address

Simon dhcp1 at
Sat Apr 16 16:05:40 UTC 2022

Glenn Satchell <Glenn.Satchell at> wrote:

> My guess about losing an address is that you have a race between dhcp servers, and the client gets to pick which response to use, usually the first it receives. So if your router gets the response in first, the the client gets a message about no free addresses. If your dhcp server system wins, then the client gets the IP address. I can't see an easy to way to solve this other than the workaround you tried.

That was my first thought.

A couple of other workarounds did come to mind :

1) If the OP can find a suitable switch with the right speed interfaces and which also has DHCP filtering (a.k.a. rogue DHCP server protection) then that could filter the ISPs router responses.

2) Rather than trying to build a single router that does 1.<whatever> gig - would it work to segregate the network (it’s was suggested that this was wanted anyway) so that a number of 1G capable routers connected the different segments ?


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