dhclient hook not overwritten /etc/resolv.conf

Zhengyu Pan(联通集团联通云数据有限公司本部) panzy16 at chinaunicom.cn
Thu Dec 19 12:36:26 UTC 2019


My OS is Centos7. I add a bash script dns.sh in /etc/dhcp/dhclient-exit-hooks.d . The script content is

echo “nameserver 2400:da00::6666” >> /etc/resolv.conf

I want to append a Ipv6 nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf.
However, when I restart network. /etc/resove.conf not changed.
/etc/resolv.conf.save append this line.
Why happens that? How can I append a nameserver in /etc/resove.conf?

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