Failover host stops releasing IP's if the peer is down.

Simon Hobson dhcp1 at
Mon Dec 9 13:04:22 UTC 2019

p0wn3rs <p0wn3rs at> wrote:
>we have different DHCP clusters and sometimes happens for a system to
>down for a long time (the location doesn't grant us immediate physical 
>access and the hw doesn't support WOL).
>Whenever this happens the main host stops releasing IP's...
>Dec  9 10:39:36 fw-01 dhcpd: DHCPDISCOVER from 00:a0:ba:0f:d6:ff via 
>br1: not responding (recovering)
>Dec  9 10:39:37 fw-01 dhcpd: DHCPDISCOVER from 00:a0:ba:0f:d7:29 via 
>br1: not responding (recovering)

I think you have your terminology wrong. It is not offering a lease, "release" in DHCP terminology has a very different meaning.

What happens if you put the surviving server into partner-down state ? It should then take over the whole pool and act like a single server. When the peer comes back up, they should automatically recover.

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