Primary / Secundary cluster with synced leases created using omapi

Matt . yamakasi.014 at
Sun Aug 7 12:05:06 UTC 2016

What I mean by static leases is:

host myhostname {
 hardware ethernet 00:20:00:2c:5b:7a;

That is what I cannot do, but is no issue if the added leases my
omapi, so reserved flag as you call them, are synched to the secondary
server, and that is not happening it seems.

I need to know if it doesn't happen at all and it's not the way how
it's designed or something is just not working here.

2016-08-07 13:44 GMT+02:00 Simon Hobson <dhcp1 at>:
> Matt . <yamakasi.014 at> wrote:
>> I'm having an issue with a setup where I can't set static leases.
> Define what you mean by static leases.
> Do you mean a host statement with a "fixed address" statement, or a lease with the reserved flag set ?
> I assume you mean the former, and that means that what you are setting isn't a "lease" in the conventional sense - host statements with fixed address do not create a lease through the normal lifetime. Normally these do not appear in the leases file at all, and I suspect that they do not get processed by failover either.
> I'm assuming that they appear in the leases file when created via OMAPI as otherwise there would be no persistent storage of them.
> So in this case, you need to apply the change to both servers.
> Or, use reserved leases and failover which should work.
> BTW - syncing the leases file is "fraught with difficulties" and is guaranteed to break things unless you use nothing but these static leases. The server you sync the file *to* will ignore it unless you stop the dhcpd service, swap out the file, and start the dhcpd service. This is because the leases file is "write only" - it is read once at service startup, and then it is only written (so there's persistent storage) - all the working data is held in ram.
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