Subnet assigment using subClass

Doug Barton dougb at
Tue Nov 25 22:13:40 UTC 2014

On 11/25/14 11:10 AM, Márcio Merlone wrote:
>>   So simply deny members of each class that have other pools allocated to them.
> That seems to work, will do more tests tomorrow. I can say that on other
> opportunity I've seen clsDesktop going into clsGuest subnet when not
> "deny"ing other classes,

If that worked at all, it was accidental.

> and got "no free lease" when trying to lock
> everything.

If you locked out everything then you didn't have the "allow" logic that 
you thought you did. :)

I'm sure you know that if you have an allow statement, everything that 
is not allowed is denied. And the opposite is also true, if you have a 
deny statement anything that is not denied is allowed. That makes things 
slightly more complex at the outset, but once you learn the logic, it's 
pretty simple to work with.

>> It's the easiest way to do it, AFAIK clients matching a class/subclass don't automatically become known.
> That's important to know, someone with proper knowledge could please
> confirm that?

Confirmed. The behavior is not deterministic. Explicit allows and denys 
are the way to go.


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